vers. 7 Jul 2024 - beta

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Band Mode Min
 CallsignDXFlagsStart TimeBandMode 
SV3ISC ZS4JAN Greece - Republic of South Africa 13:4710mFT4 
R4FDD IZ6WLW European Russia - Italy 13:4710MFT8 
IZ8WGR II7IAME Italy - Italy 13:4740mSSB 
DC1OA F4LML Fed. Republic of Germany - France 13:4630mFT8 
OE3FVU ON3SDV Austria - Belgium 13:4630mFT8 
PD2PE IU3RGQ Netherlands - Italy 13:4620mFT8 
EI3CTB EA3DNC Ireland - Spain 13:4617mFT8 
SV1AAW EB3JT Greece - Spain 13:4610mFT8 
W4SCE KK1X United States - United States 13:4620mFT8 
IW1PPB UF4S Italy - European Russia 13:4617mFT8 
PD0NHM PU7MMV Netherlands - Brazil 13:4610mFT8 
DL7FAI F5OYA/P Fed. Republic of Germany - France 13:4630mFT8 
KJ2U JA7GVE United States - Japan 13:4640mFT8 
V4/WE9G R5DB Saint Kitts & Nevis - European Russia 13:4610MFT8 
V4/WE9G ON6ZV Saint Kitts & Nevis - Belgium 13:4610MFT8 
KG4OJT KI0J United States - United States 13:4630mFT8 
DL1IP SM7DXE Fed. Republic of Germany - Sweden 13:4620mFT4 
UA6NT R1CAK European Russia - European Russia 13:4615MSSB 
SV3ISC PP5CF Greece - Brazil 13:4610mFT4 
PD3WMA HA3HX Netherlands - Hungary 13:4620mFT4 
PA3GXF US1EF Netherlands - Ukraine 13:4615mFT8 
2E0ORE EC3A England - Spain 13:4617mFT8 
F4BAL SV1PMR France - Greece 13:4612MFT8 
9M1Z YE3BER East Malaysia - Indonesia 13:4620mUSB 
SP2MHS ZS4JAN Poland - Republic of South Africa 13:4610MFT4 
IR1DCI/P OE3XHA Italy - Austria 13:4530mRTTY 
IR1DCI/P OE3MFC Italy - Austria 13:4530mRTTY 
IR1DCI/P OE3RGB Italy - Austria 13:4530mRTTY 
3Z9VI YO8SSQ/P Poland - Romania 13:4540mLSB 
9A3BHU G0CKP Croatia - England 13:4515mFT4 
II9IAGM RX3ASP Italy - European Russia 13:4510mFT4 
BD3PZF JR8BES China - Japan 13:4540mFT8 
V4/WE9G OE8DDX Saint Kitts & Nevis - Austria 13:4510MFT8 
N4NR N6ACA United States - United States 13:4520mFT8 
ON2BCB LZ1EX Belgium - Bulgaria 13:4520mFT8 
SV9CAF PA3BMB Crete - Netherlands 13:4515mFT4 
K0EG CO8ZZ United States - Cuba 13:4520mFT8 
NX9S K1DTC United States - United States 13:4540mFT8 
BH4GBC BD8DOK China - China 13:4540mFT8 
BG6BB JK1ERA China - Japan 13:4540mFT8 
V4/WE9G R1CAP Saint Kitts & Nevis - European Russia 13:4517MFT8 
V4/WE9G ON6ZV Saint Kitts & Nevis - Belgium 13:4510MFT8 
YO8RSL 2E0RAG Romania - England 13:4517mFT8 
V4/WE9G ZR1ADI Saint Kitts & Nevis - Republic of South Africa 13:4510MFT8 
LA3LUA R2BNT Norway - European Russia 13:4517mFT8 
VK4GMI KZ1B Australia - United States 13:4540mFT8 
BH7MYN ZS6FVN China - Republic of South Africa 13:4510mFT8 
R2BNT LA3LUA European Russia - Norway 13:4517MFT8 
PA3BMB SV9CAF Netherlands - Crete 13:4515mFT4 
SQ9EZE TA/OE3PKB Poland - Turkey 13:4517mFT8 
SV1AAW EC7R Greece - Spain 13:4510mFT8 
EA7KJE DK5UR Spain - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4517mFT8 
F5MXH DU7OK France - Philippines 13:4512MFT8 
DG5PW EW1DW Fed. Republic of Germany - Belarus 13:4520mFT8 
V4/WE9G DJ8ES Saint Kitts & Nevis - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4510MFT8 
V4/WE9G DK1BX Saint Kitts & Nevis - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4510MFT8 
V4/WE9G DL3OCF Saint Kitts & Nevis - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4517MFT8 
V4/WE9G SV8TCP Saint Kitts & Nevis - Greece 13:4510MFT8 
DK6LF YB4GA Fed. Republic of Germany - Indonesia 13:4510mFT4 
DC1OA G0JHC Fed. Republic of Germany - England 13:4530mFT8 
PE1JDB OM3WFH Netherlands - Slovak Republic 13:4517mFT8 
W4IDX JJ1NYH United States - Japan 13:4530mFT8 
PD3WMA F4GMB Netherlands - France 13:4520mFT4 
TA2EE OM5ARN Turkey - Slovak Republic 13:4515mFT8 
SV3ISC CT3MD Greece - Madeira Is. 13:4510mFT4 
9M1Z 9A6R East Malaysia - Croatia 13:4512mFT8 
9M1Z RA3RCL East Malaysia - European Russia 13:4520mUSB 
DG6KL FR4OM Fed. Republic of Germany - Reunion Is. 13:4510mFT4 
IZ8WGR II9IAGM Italy - Italy 13:4540mSSB 
9M1Z SP6OPZ East Malaysia - Poland 13:4512mFT8 
HA9RC WY5I Hungary - United States 13:4415mFT8 
DF3MT OH7UM Fed. Republic of Germany - Finland 13:4415mFT8 
F4CTJ PA3R France - Netherlands 13:4415mFT8 
OE5TSO II9IAGM Austria - Italy 13:4420mUSB 
A65MR IZ4RTB United Arab Emirates - Italy 13:4410mFT4 
IK2EST OK3KW Italy - Czech Republic 13:4420mPSK125 
EA3CU LZ2TIK Spain - Bulgaria 13:4412mFT8 
PD9FJ RO3M/P Netherlands - European Russia 13:4420mFT8 
V85NPV G5LP Brunei - England 13:4415mCW 
DB8DAZ OM3TWM Fed. Republic of Germany - Slovak Republic 13:4420mUSB 
IZ6WLW PY2XC Italy - Brazil 13:4410mFT8 
IZ4RTB A65MR Italy - United Arab Emirates 13:4410mUSB 
PA3GXF US1EF Netherlands - Ukraine 13:4415mFT8 
V4/WE9G 2M0BHR Saint Kitts & Nevis - Scotland 13:4417MFT8 
EI3CTB IZ2ARJ Ireland - Italy 13:4417mFT8 
V4/WE9G DF1ZN Saint Kitts & Nevis - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4410MFT8 
DF1ZN V4/WE9G Fed. Republic of Germany - Saint Kitts & Nevis 13:4410mFT8 
V4/WE9G G3PLP Saint Kitts & Nevis - England 13:4410MFT8 
A65MR LX1JH United Arab Emirates - Luxembourg 13:4410mFT4 
PD2PE TM63REF Netherlands - France 13:4420mFT8 
G0SOR UB3PAN England - European Russia 13:4410mFT4 
DL7FAI F1IQH Fed. Republic of Germany - France 13:4430mFT8 
KJ2U VK4GMI United States - Australia 13:4440mFT8 
V4/WE9G IC8AIK Saint Kitts & Nevis - Italy 13:4410MFT8 
DL1IP OK1VM Fed. Republic of Germany - Czech Republic 13:4420mFT4 
BH6JOG BD8DOK China - China 13:4440mFT8 
SP2Y 9M1Z Poland - East Malaysia 13:4420mSSB 
DC1OA F5LMJ Fed. Republic of Germany - France 13:4430mFT8 
VK4GMI KJ2U Australia - United States 13:4440mFT8 
SV8NAJ DL1DMS Greece - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4415mFT8 
ON2BCB I3/DG9MDM Belgium - Italy 13:4420mFT8 
M7FGZ M0WMB England - England 13:4440mFT8 
9M1Z SP2Y East Malaysia - Poland 13:4420mUSB 
V4/WE9G UA9FGR Saint Kitts & Nevis - European Russia 13:4410MFT8 
RV9UAF UA4PKX Asiatic Russia - European Russia 13:4440MSSB 
PA3BMB UA9C Netherlands - Asiatic Russia 13:4415mFT4 
SV9CAF IK1WGX Crete - Italy 13:4415mFT4 
SV3ISC UA4CKN Greece - European Russia 13:4410mFT4 
PD3WMA IV3IIM Netherlands - Italy 13:4420mFT4 
UA6NT R9FAX European Russia - European Russia 13:4415MSSB 
EW1OK YD1SHY Belarus - Indonesia 13:4410MSSB 
SP2MHS EH4SDC Poland - Spain 13:4410MFT4 
R4FDD DH3RD European Russia - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4410MFT8 
BI6OIZ JL3OXR China - Japan 13:4330mFT8 
DL2YED OE6HTG Fed. Republic of Germany - Austria 13:4320mFT8 
A65MR SV3ISC United Arab Emirates - Greece 13:4310mFT4 
F4UJU 5R8RP France - Madagascar 13:4310mUSB 
PD2PE OE6PLD Netherlands - Austria 13:4320mFT8 
9A3BHU YC8EGI Croatia - Indonesia 13:4315mFT4 
IZ0PAP DK7UY Italy - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4315mFT4 
V4/WE9G W5QJ Saint Kitts & Nevis - United States 13:4317MFT8 
BD4UJ JJ0MPK China - Japan 13:4330mFT8 
NX9S K7FB/QRP United States - United States 13:4340mFT8 
SV3ISC A65MR Greece - United Arab Emirates 13:4310mFT4 
KV0I KI5OOS United States - United States 13:4320mFT8 
9M1Z I5WHC East Malaysia - Italy 13:4312mFT8 
IZ6BTN HA50HK Italy - Hungary 13:4330mCW 
9M1Z S53M East Malaysia - Slovenia 13:4320mUSB 
UA6NT OK2ET European Russia - Czech Republic 13:4315MSSB 
K8BCO KB4OK United States - United States 13:4320mFT8 
SM7VGY 3W9A Sweden - Vietnam 13:4210mFT8 
SV1EKI TM45CDXC Greece - France 13:4217mFT8 
A65MR DO1KRT United Arab Emirates - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4210mFT4 
SP1JMF YB1BZV Poland - Indonesia 13:4210mFT8 
EA3CU SV9CJO Spain - Crete 13:4212mFT8 
II9IAGM ZS4JAN Italy - Republic of South Africa 13:4210mFT4 
TA2EE DF7CB Turkey - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4215mFT8 
OH6IH M0IDK Finland - England 13:4220mFT8 
M3OZP LZ1ZF England - Bulgaria 13:4215mFT8 
DB8DAZ M7XCW Fed. Republic of Germany - England 13:4220mUSB 
R2BNT US7IS European Russia - Ukraine 13:4217MFT8 
IW1PPB 5P7LSO Italy - Denmark 13:4217mFT8 
IZ4RTB Z22AO Italy - Zimbabwe 13:4210mUSB 
A65MR FR4OM United Arab Emirates - Reunion Is. 13:4210mFT4 
LA3LUA R3EDX Norway - European Russia 13:4217mFT8 
SV1AAW RM8W Greece - Asiatic Russia 13:4210mFT8 
DL7FAI IK4LZH Fed. Republic of Germany - Italy 13:4230mFT8 
HB9MZI YO8BJK Switzerland - Romania 13:4215mFT8 
V4/WE9G IK2XYI Saint Kitts & Nevis - Italy 13:4210MFT8 
F5MXH VU2MZX France - India 13:4212MFT8 
EA3RO 9A4BP Spain - Croatia 13:4213cmFT8 
SV8NAJ YC8RDG Greece - Indonesia 13:4215mFT8 
KA5RBZ KW4UM United States - United States 13:4240mFT8 
VK4GMI KK6XK Australia - United States 13:4240mFT8 
SV3ISC G0SOR Greece - England 13:4210mFT4 
DO1KRT A65MR Fed. Republic of Germany - United Arab Emirates 13:4210mFT4 
G0SOR SV3ISC England - Greece 13:4210mFT4 
9M1Z IT9ZGW East Malaysia - Italy 13:4212mFT8 
IZ0PAP RX3ASP Italy - European Russia 13:4215mFT4 
IU5ICR IR1DCI/P Italy - Italy 13:4240mSSB 
IR1DCI/P I2XIP Italy - Italy 13:4230mRTTY 
5B4AIX MJ/TA1HZ Cyprus - Jersey 13:4215mSSB 
PE1NBD CT9ABO Netherlands - Madeira Is. 13:4210mUSB 
9M1Z 9M2Z East Malaysia - West Malaysia 13:4220mUSB 
UA6NT SP5SOP European Russia - Poland 13:4215MSSB 
FR5FC RW9WT Reunion Is. - Asiatic Russia 13:4120mFT8 
W4IDX KU4NY United States - United States 13:4130mFT8 
GM4SUF 9H2LB Scotland - Malta 13:4110mFT8 
8S2X RU3DNN Sweden - European Russia 13:4117mFT8 
W3YNI F6FHZ United States - France 13:4117mFT8 
YO2AA KH0/KC0W Romania - Mariana Is. 13:4117mUSB 
V4/WE9G M6OTU Saint Kitts & Nevis - England 13:4117MFT8 
N4NR WV0Q United States - United States 13:4120mFT8 
NX9S K5JC United States - United States 13:4120mFT8 
N7WFK KY1X United States - United States 13:4140mFT8 
KJ2U JA0FVU United States - Japan 13:4140mFT8 
BI6OIZ JJ0MPK China - Japan 13:4130mFT8 
A65MR DG2NBN United Arab Emirates - Fed. Republic of Germany 13:4110mFT4